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Cajigo is an initiative to inspire and empower girls and women into TECH careers. It is an app that provides a gateway for senior industry leaders and employers to mentor and guide women of all ages into technology fields, across industries.

Rav Bumbra - The Host

Founder @CajigoApp

Rav Bumbra, the founder of Cajigo hosts a weekly LIVE show on Instagram
where she talks to leaders in TECH. The inspirational stories of these role
models have been empowering girls and women with confidence and
strategies to explore the endless possibilities in a career in TECH.

Join us for the show this March and get inspired by the trailblazing journeys of the these powerful women.

If you’ve missed any of our live shows, you can catch them on our IGTV

Inspiring girls and women into STEM and TECH careers

Download the App from and start exploring a career in TECH